Friday, October 26, 2012

The Speakers Spoke Truth.

As you know I attended the Teen Vogue University with a handful of other fashionistas. We had the privilege to speak to some very influential people and ask some questions, I took some notes on what others and myself asked about media in the digital age, blogging and more. Hope you find it as helpful as I did :) Enjoy! 

The Speakers

Nadia Hussain from PolyVore

Danica Lo from Style Bistro

Treena Lombardo from ShopBop

Rebecca Minkoff the Designer

Huan Nguyen from

All answered questions from Simone Oliver of the New York Times

Danica & I

I took some notes during this seminar because I really enjoyed what they had to say!

When asked - What are some of the Do's & Dont's to Fashion in the digital age: They answered;

Be honest.
Never complain
Be aware of what you are posting - even when you feel as if no one is reading, trust THEY ARE!
Share feedback and show appreciation to your readers!!! <------ I was SO glad they touched on this.

the reason being, I show alot of love ALOT, but it seems like you have to almost beg for the same appreciation. It honestly sucks. It really does not take that long to respond to your readers, TRUST I know! I make sure I respond to each comment I receive because it's only right! ] #reciprocating love 

Nadia said to be proud without insulting
-keep in mind why you began to blog in the first place
-people are watching and reading for a reason.

Always show respect and give credit where its due, don't post a image, story, video etc and not give the sourcer credit if it's not your own work.

What are some ways to brush up on social media?

Danica: Be true to yourself. If you are a funny character, be funny. Let that side of you come out in your writing.

Treena: the Manners that apply to life also apply to social media. Be aware and stay away from rumors.

Rebecca: Make it a point to keep social away from personal. She shared, when she is out with friends or family, she makes sure her phone, tablets whatever are not near her. She wants to make sure the person she is spending time with gets her undivided attention. 

They also stressed how important it is to read everything, NOT just the web, but to also read books, print, articles. 
"The more armed you are the easier your career will come" - Danica

Be professional and prep yourself.

Approach your art like a science
research and understand what it is you do or want to do.
And be active and immerse yourself into the industry.

Here are a few Q&A I jotted down from the audience

Rebecca, do you feel like there are any cons with social media showing your collection soon as it gets off the runway and people began to judge almost immediately?

A: They may see my collection, but they are not actually there so I really does not matter, people will and are always going to judge you or what you do. The only con I would say is walking into a store that has already debut my collection before I have.

The Panel, What would you guys say is the most important social marketing online tool?

Facebook and Pinterest, ecsp Pin because on there it's not about what you post it's about who repins your post. - Danica

Emails -Treena

Instagram and Twitter - Rebecca

Huan said "what they said", with a little laugh.

How important is self expression, branding and building an online persona?

Very! When you are looking for a job in this industry that employer is going to look to see how you understand that space. - Huan

You want to stand out, People with opinions go far. - Rebecca

You must be current. I personally will not hire you if you do not have a twitter. I honestly don't care if you never use it, but you should have one. - Danica

Have a perspective and an opinion. - Nadia

I'm glad I took notes on this segment because I learned alot of valuable information. The speakers were all very sweet and inspiring, so glad I had the chance to have been in the audience soaking up all that knowledge!

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