Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Natural YOU

Natural hair is one of the most beautiful things to me. I love when hair is worn natural without any chemicals or weave added to it. One thing I have learned is that it isn't for everybody.

Why go natural?

Lately, there has been a phase going on with every girl wanting to go natural. Why, because they see their friends or maybe someone famous they admire cutting off all their hair to start over. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not against going natural however, I do think you should question your motives for this drastic change. Is it because your hair is damaged and you want to stop perming? Are you just trying a new look that you think will work for you? Were you natural before and decided to go back? Is everyone jumping on the "band wagon" so you want to jump on too? See what I mean, we should see ourselves as individuals and not want to look or be like anyone else. We were all  born with our natural hair in the first place, we relaxed it at some point because we wanted our hair straighter. Do we only want to go back to our roots to be with the in crowd?

Be yourself

I guess the point I'm trying to make is to be yourself. If you want to go natural, go for it. Just don't do it because everyone else is doing it. I don't think natural hair fits everyone personally but that is my opinion. I love natural hair but I would never go natural. The term "going natural" doesn't necessarily have to mean stopping relaxers, it can mean not adding weave to your relaxed hair.

At the end of the day, hair is hair and it does not define you. Wear your hair the way you want to and be happy with it!


  1. I'm attempting to go natural! But I really want to keep my blonde. I think I'm gonna be weave free for a while. I haven't had a perm In god knows how long ( 11 years old) so that wont be a problem. I really love the curly wild look..I'm excited! Love this post girly !

  2. I love this post! i'm personally struggling trying not to tell a associate of mine how "not" cute the natural look is on them... But I guess everybody has to find their own. But i'll claim it now, they take my Weave, or my perm I'm going to D I EEEEEE!!!!! <3

    1. Haha! Yeah I'm wearing my own hair now just to give it a break, but I add tracks in between from time to time. So trust me I love weave!

  3. I have commented before and couldnt help myself again. I really love your blog.
