Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Kimmy Given Us Life..

Kim Kardashian for Factice Magazine

Kim has grown on me over the last few years, not just as cute chick with a flirty style but as woman, growing up and learning from her past!

In this spread, I first got excited, "ok Kimmy.. I see you" but the more I began to look at the images the stylist in me started to speak..

I'm not sure of the look they were going for or the concept of the shoot, but I can say I am not thrilled. 

The wordrobe was a fail. From the shoe choices to the hair. :/

All of the pics are too touched up, but that's Kimmy.. 

What are your thought?

1 comment:

  1. you are definitely right about her shoes/hair/outfit being off! nice article though :)
