Thursday, November 14, 2013

Umm no, Jennifer

I'm sorry did I miss something?  The last thing I want to do is sound like a hater. I get it, she has a story, a huge voice, and had overcame so many obstacles (losing basically her whole family) and all of those things. But if that's the case, there are plenty of other celebrities who deserve stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame besides  Jennifer Hudson. Unless I've been out of the loop (which I seriously doubt), I need to be made aware of of all the "other" awesome accomplishments she's attained.

Not knocking her or disagreeing that she's had a huge turn around these past few years, but I just feel that the value of quality talent and accolades to deserve such an honor were held at a much higher standard. I'm proud of JHud and all that she's coming into, let's not confuse that with hate or jealousy! The sudden star just confuses me a bit.


Just recently, Kanye had a semi rant on Jimmy Kimmel live about sources saying that Kim Kardashian (his Fiance`) doesn't deserve a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame because she's not really considered a real celebrity and doesn't quite meet any of the "requirements". Well Kanye, I beg to differ my friend. If  JHud so obscurely and mysteriously was graced with the honor I don't see why Kim's star shouldn't be next. *Shrug* #NoShadeTho


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