We've all read a million articles, taken a bunch of different polls and surveys, seen countless films or even had real life exposure to Interracial couples/dating. It's extremely controversial, lots of mixed feelings and views (from racial and moral standpoints), and lastly The disapproval of society and family. When choosing who to date, what are some of the qualities, characteristics and requirements that matter most to you? Whatever happened to love being as simple as black and white? Or loving who loves you? The simple things that don't make love so complicated. Because in today's day and age, to me it all seems so superficial. And I honestly feel that many individuals are afraid to go against the grain and date outside of their race simply for fear of being judged. Why do so many of us put quantity orver quality (in this particular case where someone would choose how much a person can offer or do for them as opposed to what a person does for their life as a whole and how a person makes them feel)?

Me personally, I don't care if you're clear. If you make my heart skip a beat at the mere mention of your name, and I smile at the thought of you, then we're gonna parade the streets around the world just so I can show your clear self off to everyone! If only everyone had that mindset though, wishful thinking I guess. It baffles me that so many people in society find it so easy to look down on a couple just from judging on what they see in the public. No one knows to what degree they complete one another, or what they help each other go through. It is absolutely mind boggling that the difference in opinions and pressures of what anyone is gonna think, what they're gonna say, if they'll accept or reject YOUR relationship (operative word being your, hence the capitalization). When at the end of the day, it's only you and that person left to create and continue building your happily ever after. Period. End of story.

Here are a little statistics for you to consider:
When asked if they approve of interracial dating both white and black equally agreed 39%.
When asked if they've ever dated outside their race 49% answered no, where only 39% answered yes.
when asked if someones race mattered when choosing on dating them 30% disagreed, 23% agreed 22% strongly disagreed, and 2% strongly agreed.
when asked if people outside their race are found attractive 59% answered yes where as 21% answered yes, but only certain races.
When asked if their family members/friends approved of interracial dating 39% answered yes and 26% answered no.

Surprised? So was I. As shocking as these statistics are, it was taken this year and from those numbers alone it still seems that somewhere along the lines acceptance is still a major issue. If you've ever seen the movie Something New with Sannai Lathan and Simon Baker (my husband in my head) you get an exact idea on what it's like to be in an interracial relationship and having to fend off naysayers. Another movie that sticks out to me is Save The Last Dance. That line where Julia Stiles tells Sean Patrick Thomas "we spend more time defending our relationship than actually having one!'' Those are great films and perfect examples that show the harsh realities on "testing the waters, or crossing over to the other side". The question is are you brave enough to do it, and strong enough to not care? -Meangirl_Ro
Funny thing is "Something New" is one of my favorite movies, and I dont care if the dude was lime green, he was painting her toes, kissing feet, cooking and doing everything else... I'd marry an Alien if he makes me happy! love this!!!
ReplyDeleteOmg me too! Lol I can watch it a million times :)