Hello everyone, its Jemes here (yes with an E). The self proclaimed fitness connoisseur also known as King Jemes or @jemeskfitness on instagram and twitter and my most recent nickname “Action Figure” lol, given to me by the beautiful @NIQUIE_B... Ok enough about myself, let’s get down to business!
How many of us wish we could just eat whatever we wanted and look good on the beach at the same time without having to suck it in? Yea, exactly all of us! Of course there is that 1 percent of America’s population that’s blessed with great bone structure, fast metabolism and great abs that can eat whatever they please and not gain a pound! But I’m fully committed to this Fit Life, believe health is wealth and practice what I preach so you’ll most likely catch me eating ‘clean’ 5-6 times out the week. Although I can take advantage of not being able to gain weight easily, I must eat healthy to maintain my physique.
For the 99 percent of Americans that’s losing to this never ending struggle to lose weight and keep it off, Mocha brought me here to help you. I’m going to give you 5 ways to lose the weight and keep it off!
Ignore those infomercials and fitness fads.
If it sounds too good to be true, run away! It’s a new diet out every 3 days. Lime diet, Soup diet, herb diet, cleansing (also known as fasting) and the list goes on. People actually pay big money for someone else to tell them to drink soup for 3 months. These ‘diets’ can cost you big bucks and dangerous for your health and probably won’t help you keep and weight off.
To lose weight you must EAT HEALTHY.
Eating healthy consists of whole foods, greens and lean meat. Each solid meal you have should have at least15-20 grams of protein, with your complex carbohydrates and veggies on the side. This way the food is digest slower, decreasing its chances of becoming stored fat. Stay away from all the fast foods, read the food labels of everything you buy to know the nutrition facts and what’s going in your body.
Eat to live, don’t live to eat.
Take baby steps, what I mean by this is portion out your meals. Never eat until you’re full, the mind gets hungry before the body does. Each one of your meals should be the size of your palm. Try to have 5 meals a day, 2 of those meals includes a snack (fruit, protein shake, yogurt or almonds etc) the list goes on, Google is free people. To avoid eating in fast food places, prep all your meals the morning of or the day before. Take this quote and let it circulate in your head for a few minutes. “If you fail to plan you plan to fail”.
Get your azz up and get active!
To lose weight and keep it off you have to exercise at least 2 times a week, Start a fitness regimen and stick to it. Go running, join a gym, hire a personal trainer or join a BOOTCAMP (like my BOOTCAMP ). A 30 minute workout takes up only 4 % of your day so “I don’t have time is NOT an excuse”, here is another quote I want you to put into circulation, “If it’s important to you, you will find a way if not you will find an excuse”.
When I say ‘#fitlife” it means this is what I do every day and incorporate it into my lifestyle. Fitness has a beginning but no ending, to lose the weight and keep it off for the rest of your life you going to have to make fitness a lifestyle that’s what “#fitlife” means. Never diet because they’re temporary, instead eat clean. Some of you say you want it, but you just kinda want it. Take all the junk out the house, if it’s not accessible you won’t be tempted to have it. Get your friends and family involved, that way you can motivate each other and make reaching your fitness goals a lot easier.

Jemes Sintel
President/Owner of King Fitness LLC
Great blog! I definitely struggle with eating healthy & exercising regularly, but this was very inspiring. Thanks for the motivation!