by Jemes Sintel - November 20, 2012
It’s that time of year again! The temperature is getting lower, meaning the
holidays are getting closer. It gets easy to just give into temptation when
you have the aroma of turkey coming from every direction and the sight of
gooey Pecan Pie drizzled in caramel, rotating counter clockwise on a glass
plate with your name on it. Just makes you want to lose all composure!
Well, I’m here to the rescue… Again!
I’ve put together a list of ways you can enjoy your Thanksgiving and avoid tarnishing all the hard work you’ve put in the gym throughout the year. Ok here we go...!
Yea, that’s right! Workout! Before you dive in head first onto the dinner table have a quick workout during the day. Burn off those extra calories. Exercising will help you create a caloric deficit just in case you slip and fall face first on a red velvet cake fresh out of the oven.
It’s recommended to drink water throughout the day to avoid overeating. A lot of times we feel hungry but in all actuality we really just need a cup of water. Also drinking a lot of water will make you feel like you’re full and will prevent you from eating too much at the dinner table.
Don’t try to “save room” and not eat till dinner time, this will only lead to overeating and weight gain. Have your normal meals, breakfast and lunch so when dinner time comes around you will be less tempted to eat something you shouldn’t be eating.
Don’t be in a rush and double back flip right into the unhealthy foods first, leave the best for last! Your first plate should contain a lot of greens, fruits and lean meat. For example; it should contain the healthiest choices available, such as white-meat, skinless turkey with a small amount of gravy, seasoned green beans, a scoop of whipped white or sweet potatoes and your choice of fruits. By the time the dessert comes around you will feel less hungry and tempted to have too many sweets.
A brief 10-15 min walk is recommended after eating. Instead of going to bed or sitting on the couch right after dinner, a walk will help your metabolism get going which will help your body burn more fat and calories.
We’re human, and this day only comes around once a year. Enjoy yourself and have fun with your family. Don’t eat to lose weight on this day, instead eat to maintain what you have until the next day. So go ahead, there will be a plethora of delicious foods around you, its ok to have a piece of pie and a glass of wine. Just don’t overdo it. As long as you have your mind set on your fitness goal and are ready to hop back on the fit wagon that Friday after, you will still be on track. Have a good Thanksgiving and stay fit!
Jemes Sintel
Personal Trainer
President/Owner of King Fitness LLC
Personal Trainer
President/Owner of King Fitness LLC
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