Thursday, October 17, 2013

Who's Ya Daddy?!

The world (or at least a large portion of the nation) has gone from teary-eyed to wide-eyed! Since the news of Adrian Peterson's (other) 2-year-old son's brutal dead last week, the ladiessss have come out of hiding. Not 1... not 2... not 3, but FOUR! When did he find the time to make these kids and why did they find it appropriate to unveil themselves now? Hmmm... Hearing of the Ty's death, the 2-year-old was awfully tragic. A child is never deserving of that. Yet, the unfortunate event has raised quite a few unanswered questions about AP.

AP is said to have a 3-month-old daughter with a woman whom posted on her Facebook page, "Today has been a long day finding out my daughter's brother passed away and knowing that she never even got to meet him", referring to (Ty) the two-year-old's death. Rewind, did you catch the teas where it says the daughter is 3 months?! Hmm...

*pause* The "secret" woman is a little too "emotional" for me. His own daddy didn't even know it was his child, so that arm-baby of yours will be just fine, chile. You just wanted recognition. (She got it too).

So, alleged baby mama #3 is a former exotic dancer in Dallas and also has a soon with AP. Her name is Erica Sylon and apparently she has photos proving the child is AP's. *waits back and forth waiting for pic release* AP and Erica have worked out a financial agreement where he pays for the living expenses and schooling of the child and is involved in his life "to some extent". Does his wife know?

BM #4 is a waitress at a nightclub in Minnesota, and HER child's last name is Peterson, as listed on the child's birth certificate, sources say. Hmmm

Fast-forward to present day, of course we immediately assumed it was Adrian Jr., as seen in most pictures, when the media mentioned the death of the kid. If Adrian Jr. is two years old and your alleged son whom will be placed in his grave soon was also two years old... There goes that "hmmm" again.

Sure, things happen in life where married adult men get (multiple) women, other than their wife pregnant. </sarcasm>

AP has a 6-year-old daughter and a 2-year-old son, that most may know about. Seems like AP is leaving his mark in every city.


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