Here at TeamShoeicide we live for fashion, music, gossip and everything in the realms. On the contrary, We also pride ourselves on being in the know on the political, moral, and cultural side of things. The girls and I were having a group chat which stemmed from planning events, to our connection and bond all the way to the series of events that have been occurring as of late, i.e. The George Zimmerman Verdict, The Fruitvale story, and racial profiling as we see it today.
As diverse and differently opinionated as our group is, we all agreed that today's racism and racial profiling is just as bad as it was decades ago. The seven of us collectively deemed it necessary to speak and shed some light on what's really going on in the 2013 society. It's imperative that we educate ourselves and use our large platform to bring the "real" to our audience.
Prime example, I recently learned of a 17 year old Latino male by the name of Alvin who was constantly being harassed by the NYPD. Like Alvin, many young males are usually minding their own business and may not have a vehicle so they travel on foot. Automatic grounds for being a "suspicious civilian" (we use that term very loosely). God forbid that that young male (again like Alvin or even Trayvon) is wearing a hoodie, sweatshirt, something "urban" or anything that represents the mildest of vulgarity, you can almost bet your bottom dollar that they are gonna be a victim of the law.
I am completely for the law when it's right. But to stop someone because of their race, just to meet a quota or hell, just because? Where is the right in that? Take a look at this short documentary where it depicts the emotions and feelings from both sides (victimized males and cops) along with commentary. Alvin secretly recorded his encounter with the police, and you can hear the rawness of what these people (especially New York natives) have to go through on a daily. THREE WORDS: STOP. QUESTION. FRISK or in police terms "250". Something has to be done, this is outrageously irrelevant and unnecessary. But seeing as to how police commissioners and all other high authorities are all for the implementing of this program, it doesn't seem as though its going to stop any time soon. Kudos to Alvin for showing such bravery and having courage to record this. It definitely opened my eyes!
UPDATE: We are proud to report that the Stop and Frisk procedure has been completely done away with!!
George Zimmerman fatally shot 17 year old Trayvon Martin on February 26, 2012. Zimmerman was a "Neighborhood Watch" for the neighborhood who resided in. Martin's Father's girlfriend lived in the same area. The call Zimmerman made was at 7:09 PM. Gunshot on the 911 call was at 7:16 PM. Police car arrives at 7:17 PM. Trayvon Martin was pronounced dead at 7:30 PM. After Zimmerman was taken into custody, he was treated for head injuries, then questioned for five hours. Zimmerman was released for lack of evidence and lack of legal grounds for arrest, and Zimmerman had a "right to defend himself with lethal force"
forward to June 10th, 2013. The Zimmerman Trial begins. I watched the
trial from day 1 til the day the verdict came. It was very emotional
for me to watch as the defendants and their "liable witnesses" plead
their case in making the jurors believe Zimmerman was a innocent man of
murdering Trayvon Martin.
...The other day,
I find out Zimmerman was pulled over for going 30 mph OVER the speed
limit in the State of Texas and was let go with a warning. Zimmerman
asked the officer "do you recognize me from tv?" GTFOH!
I am interested to know how you feel about this case? was justice served for Trayvon Martin? I STRONGLY THINK NOT!!!!!!!

Sooooooooo, I Guess It's Open Season...
What Year It? 1953? Why are so many minorities being labeled suspicious for simply LIVING? This past month has been CRAZY. We decided that some things NEED to be addressed.
In November, black youth Jordan Davis, a 17-year-old Jacksonville resident, was the only person murdered after Michael Dunn, 46, allegedly shot into the SUV Davis was inside several times after an argument about the volume of music playing.
At the Gate Station, Rouer (Dunn's Girlfriend) said Dunn told her that he hated "thug music." Rouer then went inside the store to make purchases and heard several gunshots while she was still within the building. Upon returning and seeing Dunn put his gun back into the glove compartment, Rouer asked why he had shot at the car playing music and Dunn claimed that he feared for his life and that "they threatened to kill me." The couple drove back to their hotel, and claim they did not realize anyone had died until the story appeared on the news the next day.
WHAT THE FUCK!!!? Really Dude, You Shoot 8 bullets into a car and no one shoots back and you flee the scene??? This is the bullshit that we have to go through in 2013... Really?
Here's a link. Hear it for yourself...
50 Years Later, And There Is Still No Justice, No Peace...
What's Really Going On?

Sooooooooo, I Guess It's Open Season...
What Year It? 1953? Why are so many minorities being labeled suspicious for simply LIVING? This past month has been CRAZY. We decided that some things NEED to be addressed.
In November, black youth Jordan Davis, a 17-year-old Jacksonville resident, was the only person murdered after Michael Dunn, 46, allegedly shot into the SUV Davis was inside several times after an argument about the volume of music playing.
At the Gate Station, Rouer (Dunn's Girlfriend) said Dunn told her that he hated "thug music." Rouer then went inside the store to make purchases and heard several gunshots while she was still within the building. Upon returning and seeing Dunn put his gun back into the glove compartment, Rouer asked why he had shot at the car playing music and Dunn claimed that he feared for his life and that "they threatened to kill me." The couple drove back to their hotel, and claim they did not realize anyone had died until the story appeared on the news the next day.
WHAT THE FUCK!!!? Really Dude, You Shoot 8 bullets into a car and no one shoots back and you flee the scene??? This is the bullshit that we have to go through in 2013... Really?
Here's a link. Hear it for yourself...
50 Years Later, And There Is Still No Justice, No Peace...
What's Really Going On?
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